NOW Health WorldCare
for Businesses

NOW Health International’s WorldCare group plans offer international health insurance without compromising on quality.

Types of underwriting:

✅ Full Medical Underwriting (FMU) i.e. full evaluation of medical history.

✅ Medical History Disregarded (MHD) i.e. it will be examined if Now can provide coverage without asking for detailed information about the members’ medical history. 10+ people required.

✅ Continued Personal Medical Exclusions (CPME) that is, it will be examined if Now can transfer to its portfolio, the employees of the group who are in another company without interruption in the coverage and without the employees having to be asked additional information about their medical history. Any special terms agreed with a previous insurer will be carried over to the policy with Now. 5+ people required.

✅ Continuous Transfer Terms (CTT) ) in the event that customers apply to Now for a plan with similar coverage to the one they already have, the underwriters review the medical information and decide if they can continue coverage (continuous transfer).

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