NOW Health SimpleCare
for Businesses

NOW Health International’s SimpleCare group plans offer international health insurance without compromising on quality.

They are categorized as follows:

🟦  SimpleCare Core: Suitable for those seeking protection for serious medical conditions and emergencies.

🟦  SimpleCare 100: Suitable for those seeking protection for very important health issues and basic coverage for out-of-hospital expenses.

🟦  SimpleCare 250: Suitable for those who request more extensive hospital coverage but within reasonable financial frameworks with higher limits on outpatient and dental coverage.

The limits for SimpleCare Core are €800,000, for SimpleCare 100 they are €1,200,000 and for SimpleCare 250 also €1,200,000.

The candidate company selects the appropriate plan, the coverage area (default coverage is Europe with optional global coverage excluding the USA), the exemption, one of the available options for outpatients’ additional participation (for SimpleCare 100 & SimpleCare 250 plans), other optional benefits such as wellness and vaccinations, maternity, etc. (for SimpleCare 100 & SimpleCare 250 plans) and finally the type of underwriting.

Types of underwriting

✅  Full Medical Underwriting (FMU) ) i.e. full evaluation of medical history.

✅  Capped Cover i.e. actuaries will consider whether they can give group members limited cover for a declared pre-existing condition after the waiting period is over. 5-19 people required.

✅  Medical History Disregarded (MHD) i.e. it will be examined if Now can provide coverage without asking for detailed information about the members’ medical history. 10+ people required.

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